Heretical Angel

Azrael, Oracle, Sentinel, Dozer
It/its, he/him, they/them, fluff/fluffself, or beast/beastself
24 years old
Queer, Autflux, Agender (TME)
Kinnie (Angelkin, beastkin, and fictionkin)
Icon Picrew
Mobile Header

Current Special Interests

-Video Games, including but not limited to: Trauma Center, Arknights, Fate/Grand Order, Payday 2, Team Fortress 2, Resident Evil 4, Rainbow Six Extraction
-Freshwater Aquariums
-Lolita Fashion
-Paladins/Holy Knights
-Baking (I collect vintage cookbooks!)
-Roller Coasters
-Pyramid Schemes

DNI List

-Ace/Pan Exclusionists
-Fatphobes/Anti-HAES (Health At Every Size)
-Anti neopronouns/xenogenders
-Anti self-diagnosis
-Pro-MAP (aka pedophile)
-Support 'cringe' culture
-Support creating NSFW of underage characters or ship adults with minors

Where To Find Me

Discord: DM me if we're mutuals
Steam: DM me or ask off anon
Ubisoft Connect: DM or ask off anon
Switch Friend Code: DM me or ask off anon
Magia Record (JP): dswvs2se
Arknights (Global): Pepper#0579
Fate/Grand Order (NA): 059,567,742 My Supports
Skullgirls Mobile: PaladinSeraph